USA prayer time can help to calculate the accurate prayer time in whole the United States cities.It can help you too to find the right direction of Qibla to do your prayer everywhere in any location.The app also can remind you with Azan notifications sound,Salaah time is the most important thing to know if you are the fare of the mosques.The app also can help you adjust the prayer times manually. You can refresh prayer times using the refresh button to get the times from the internet. The biggest advantage of this app is that it detects your location automatically, which means you dont need to look for your location in a big list the user saves time and effort. The biggest challenge we faced while we develop this app is to get the right and accurate prayer time in every location in the United States. In this app prayer time the USA, we add the option to calculate Zakat, mean donation. How much to donate while you want to out Zakat from your money, it will give you the right and accurate price in your country, you have just to add the price of Gold in your location. This app also can help you to do Tasbih and calculate the number of times you do it by clicking on the large circle in the Tasbih page fragment, the number that you reached will stay, which means if you close the app then back to it you will find the same number until you will reset it. The app prayer time in the USA can also help you with the same Duaa, and Dhikr after azan, and the same dhikr after ablution, mosque dhikr, and prayer dhikr. You can change the location if you are traveling.